Home eBOX
output channel strategy


A secure digital mailbox for smooth communication between authorized organizations (government agencies, municipalities, healthcare institutions, etc.) and citizens and businesses.

eBox is available for citizens (eBox Citizen) and businesses (eBox Enterprise). IPEX helps you use this digital channel efficiently and easily while adding extra value.

How does it work?

Sending via eBox follows these 8 steps:

  1. Data transmission
    IPEX clients send their documents (metadata or PDF + metadata) to IPEX.
  2. Verification and processing
    IPEX processes the data, checks whether the recipient has activated their eBox (opt-in), and performs a quality check.
  3. Digital sending or fallback to postal mail
    • If the eBox is activated, a message (text + document) is sent via API to BOSA (eBox Citizen) or RSZ (eBox Business).
    • If the eBox is not activated, the document can be sent by postal mail.
  4. Message available in the eBox
    The interface of the citizen or the receiving business (ILMeBox) queries BOSA/RSZ to check whether new messages are available for the end user.
  5. Notification to the end user
    The user receives a notification informing them that a new message has arrived in their eBox, typically via email.
  6. Status tracking
    IPEX consults the status of message reads via BOSA/RSZ.
  7. Fallback to paper if necessary
    IPEX offers a service that allows you to send a postal version of the same document if the eBox document is not read after X days (X to be specified by the sender).
  8. Track & Trace
    Clients can track the status of their shipments in real-time using a Track & Trace system.


output channel optimisation


  • Efficiency: Simplified sending via a unique digital channel, without complex IT processes.
  • Security and reliability: Secure and compliant processing of all your communications.
  • Control and transparency: Track the status of your messages with a real-time Track & Trace system.
  • Flexibility: Automatic fallback to postal mail if the eBox is not activated.
  • Support: Onboarding with BOSA (eBox Citizen) or RSZ (eBox Business) is not always easy. IPEX has experience in this area and can provide support to facilitate this procedure.


  • Simplified onboarding: Assistance with administrative procedures for accessing the eBox channel.
  • Full service: Send your documents in PDF + metadata format, and IPEX takes care of the rest.
  • Complete status report: Includes read status 15 days after sending.
statistics analysis

eBOX in numbers

In 2024:

  • Over 3.8 million citizens and 380,000 businesses have activated their eBox.
  • 41% of the adult population consults their messages from public organizations via one of the six eBox channels: My eBox, Mijn Burgerprofiel, IRISbox, Doccle, KBC, and TrustO.
  • The number of consents grows by 12% annually, with 30,000 new activations each month.
  • Over 100 million messages have been delivered via eBox.
  • With 10 new document senders per month, we currently count more than 770 public organizations sending eBox messages to citizens.
  • eBox senders deliver more than 8 million messages monthly.

Optimize your digital communication with eBOX!

Contact us via sales@ipexgroup.com of +32 (0)2 641.12.00 for more information